Was fortunate enough last week to have done an intimate photo session with music and film legend Kris Kristofferson backstage at the famous Ryman here in Nashville. Now I must admit that I do not get nervous about doing shoots anymore because of who I'm shooting but more because of technical and logistical reasons than anything else.
Kris Kristofferson |
Kris Kristofferson & Ash Newell backstage at the Ryman in Nashville. |
That being said I was a tad edgy because this is Kris, I hadn't met him before but he always plays pissed off badass types in the movies and I pondered if this is how he would be in the flesh. I was most relieved to discover that he's an extremely warm and funny chatty guy and loves touring the UK and Ireland. Kudos to Kris's publicist Tamara for setting this up.
So pleased for you to have the opportunity to shoot such a legend. I too wondered if he was as gruff in person as he is in his film characters. Wonderful photos Ash.